Weekly Roundup of Instagram Accounts You've Probably Never Heard Of

A few weeks ago, Sarah of Room for Tuesday shared her favorite blogs. Some are the tippy top bloggers, and others aren't yet the hot shots (she even included me. meee??? I'm still blushing). It has me inspired to share some of the Instagram accounts that I adore, but don't (yet!) have the biggest following.

Without further ado, my favorite up-and-coming home/design/interiors Instagrammers with fewer than 2,000 fans.


Be sure to follow all of those folks - they're doing great things!

Who did I forget? Am I missing anyone? Please share your favorite accounts that are still growing!

Weekly Roundup

The Faux Backyard

Melissa of The Faux Martha revealed her backyard and it's my number one thing this week. That summer snow hemlock tree in the corner makes me melt each time I see it. And that pizza oven paired with the black fence! I shared Emily Henderson's yard last week and the two spaces are so different yet I'm absolutely gushing over both. If you HAD to choose, which would you pick for your home? I'll be the first to admit that I refuse to answer because they are both perfect. 

Did you catch this week's Young House Love podcast? I laughed out loud at the 2-minute segment that starts at 15:35.

Speaking of podcasts, have I been living under a rock?! Karen and Zandra have been interviewing some of my favorite designers and creators for years.

My friend Erin of Cotton & Flax had her fabric designs featured on Design*Sponge this week, and you can download them as a wallpaper for your phone or computer - for free! New designs are being shared daily, so click here to admire all of them!

Earlier this week, I shared the kitchen flooring tutorial in blog format and in video. Didja watch the vid? Tell me if I should keep doing those or not. Myers-Briggs says I'm a people pleaser, so tell me how to please!

I've been working on fixing up the living room so you'll see a refreshed space pretty soon! I've been scraping paint for days, so I'm pretty excited to see the finished space, myself.

Happy weekend!