Weekly Roundup

You know the phenomenon of wanting to squeeze or nibble things you really love and find cute? Well I could really bite on these interior walls.

I’m a sucker for a dreamy paint color, but Portolapaints’ Instagram shows off un-mixed colors and the cans are like beautiful galaxies of hues. Seriously beautiful.

Speaking of Instagram, did you see my update?! My handle had always been @ashleykgoldman because it felt personal - like a place you can connect with me and place where I can share my thoughts. But since I don’t want to be confusing, I decided to switch to @thegoldhive. But have no fear, it’s still me, I’ll still share my thoughts, and its still a place to connect with me! If you aren’t already following on Instagram, I suggest you do, because I share lots there that I don’t share on the blog.

Did you see that Minted now prints wall murals?! They have a great collection of murals by great artists and can’t wait to see who else they add to the mix.

Here are 7 instagrams to follow if you’re obsessed with old houses.

This really speaks to me.

I stumbled upon this super easy and interesting pants pattern that’s blowing my mind. Should I start making my own clothes? Ehhh probably not. So, I’ll just buy these ones perfect for fall.

If you got married this wedding season, here is a beautiful way to memorialize your vows.

The vacuum that you know I love is under $400 on Amazon right now!

I found a new favorite collage artist.

My feelings on art in the home.