Weekly Roundup

I pinned every. single. one. of the images of the gorgeous whole-house makeover that Casey of Casework did.

This week has been all about puppies! After sending our beloved foster dog Baxter back to the shelter so he can be adopted, we took in a new foster family. This time, we have a momma dog and her litter of EIGHT puppies. You can see videos of them here - there’s more to come, though! We have the family staying with us for another week. That means lots of cuteness but also a ton of poop. Even though the babies are adorable, the momma dog has a special place in my heart - she’s the sweetest dog I’ve ever met.

I can’t stop thinking about the news of Julia and Chris’ family cabin. It’s heartbreaking.

Ross has been on the hunt for new boxer briefs but sustainable/ethical men’s underwear isn’t the most popular product. I did some digging and found a few companies that offer some options! I found these, these, these, these, these, and these. Check those companies out even if you’re hunting for other types of garments. Or, take a look at my favorite clothing brands that are ethical/sustainable/organic/etc.

The Larsons are adopting their second little one and it brought a tear to my eye.

When people ask about why I don’t like vinyl windows in an old home, here are a few reasons why.

Everyone is enjoying decluttering during this season and especially following Marie Kondo’s Netflix special. But we aren’t talking much about what is happening to all of the things we’re getting rid of. But this 20-minute podcast is talking about the issue of our waste. It’s worth a listen! As a reminder, I like to donate items to specific organizations that I know will put the items to use. Then I like to give away hard-to-donate items to my neighbors. Then I like to recycle textiles to H&M. Then I like to just simply purchase less stuff. In summary, this. If you think recycling is the option, listen to this podcast episode. I promise to share more on how I’ve been going low-waste.

This before and after!

Today Emily Henderson shared her favorite ways of hanging artwork and my den’s picture rail molding made the cut! You can get the full tutorial on my FAVORITE way to display artwork here.

Remember when I painted a mural in my home office? Well, check out this graphic one that Kelly commissioned from a local artist. And look at the mural Audrey painted when wallpaper got vetoed.

Curious what kind of power your state uses?

I’ve been playing puppy-themed music in my Instagram stories when I show off videos of the cuties and I keep coming back to Harry Nilsson. If you have kids (or if your’e a grown up) I highly recommend his storybook album about a boy and his dog facing adversity. It’s super 70’s and great. You can listen on Spotify or you can watch the animated movie.

Handmade items are often expensive, but here’s why.

I’m off to go clean up puppy poop! I hope your weekend is less poopy than mine.