Weekly Roundup

This simple gender neutral nursery is just the right amount of baby and a heavy dose of classy design. I like nurseries that I would want to move into. But I’d definitely need bigger shoes in the closet. Like, a lot bigger. (Fun fact: my gigantic feet don’t fit in women’s shoes!)

I’ve been in Ojai for the past week where it’s starting to actually feel like summer. But, I’m not good at enjoying the outdoorsy summertime things of Southern California. So, I wore my fave sweater to the pool because the sun has it out for me and wearing anything less than a sweater outdoors, I turn into a tomato.

13 reasons why zero waste is more than a plastic bag.

If you’ve considered fostering an animal, now is the time!! Shelters across the country get filled up on 4th of July when pets run scared from sounds of fireworks. To prepare for the influx of animals, shelters are begging people to become fosters for even a few days or a week to make room for the pets that will be there temporarily. If you can take in a furry friend and spend the holiday with them, please do! If you can’t - make sure you keep your critters safe, comfortable, and tagged during the holiday that frightens them.

Another (funny) animal PSA (click through each slide)

Dollar Stores vs. Lettuce and a calculator for life expectancy based on zip code. So interesting.

I love this insight into how finances have shifted living in a small town and not having a 9-5.

Check out how much my city has warmed over the years. You can look at your state or city’s heating here.

I’ve just about wrapped up my June playlist, take a listen! Follow me on Spotify to listen as I craft my tunes throughout each month. Here’s a preview of my July playlist.

Happy Friday!