Weekly Roundup

I’ve been MIA on the blog the last couple of weeks, sorry! We took in a foster dog in early July, so I’m going to use her as an excuse. She was just a pup so there was a fair amount of time spent helping her burn off her crazy energy, and avoiding accidents in the house, and taking her (and myself) for healthy walks, and just all of the things to do when taking in a new furry friend. She went back to the shelter to get fixed last week and was promptly adopted within a matter of days! #adoptdontshop


Check out Sarah’s kitchen transformation! Wowza! It’s a show stopping finished space and it’s such a great transformation from the before.

The life-changing magic of making do and words on consumption.

I’ve been binge watching The Murder of Laci Peterson and I’m captivated. I also asked you folks to give me some recommendations for TV shows to watch and you can check out everyone’s responses in the comments here.

I’ve always been a fan of paint-by-numbers. I did them as a kid, I like buying vintage ones as art, I hand-painted one as a mural in my home office, and I’ve lately been addicted to this game on my phone lately. But the history of paint-by-numbers is also interesting.

Speaking of murals, check out the one in this 1820s farmhouse.

You know I love cleaning, did you catch my tips and video on how I like to clean my windows?

This is me every morning. Why do I do this to myself?? Also, this is me, too.

Since you all know I like reducing waste, I get random questions of “where can I donate X” or “how do I dispose of Y” so I’m here with a hot tip for ya. Here’s where you can recycle wine corks.

I was really intrigued by this podcast episode about sand. It sounds boring, I know. But sand plays such a major role in our architecture in the form of concrete and glass. I particularly liked the last bit where they talked about the environmental impact of building materials.

If you have a bowl of summer fruits that are starting to get old, try this quick and easy recipe. I did and it was delectable.

Are you following along with Cathy’s kitchen renovation? She’s sharing peeks at how gorgeous it’s going to be but she still has a way to go, so tune in now!

Happy Friday!