Everything We Wish We Registered for When We Got Married Five Years Ago - And The Things We're Glad We Asked For!

Yesterday marked our five year wedding anniversary. Wow, time flies!

I feel like we had a pretty a-typical wedding registry, so I wanted to share the things we’re glad we got and the things we now wish we had asked for when we got married those five years ago. Perhaps this helps you make your own registry, or helps you fill in the gaps of your own housewares.

The Gold Hive Wedding Registry Practical Utilitarian DIY Homebody Tools Renovator.jpg

While many brides/grooms or grooms/grooms or brides/brides ask for nice fine china and flatware, we asked for a chop saw, plain ol’ cotton bath towels, and hardware store gift cards. Sure, we requested “traditional” things like wine glasses but it’s the tools and simple kitchen gear that we use the most. And I’m so glad we asked for what we did! Like, so so glad. Some people find romance in serving their wedding china during big family meals. But I love the romance in a crowbar!

Looking back five years later with the experience of using the gifts, not using the less-needed gifts, and buying things we wish we got instead of that gravy boat, I’ve got clarity. So, I’ve put together an updated list of things we’d request if we were starting from scratch and requesting housewares now. The links below are to items we own and love. I’ve included a bunch of items at various price points but avoided the littlest/cheapest items since that’s not a common price point in registries.

Registry Items in the Garage:

drill, miter saw, nail gun, reciprocating saw, power washer, adjustable ladder, orbital sander, step ladder, saw horse, dremmel

Registry Items Around the House:

vacuum, suitcase, point-and-shoot camera, Sonos speakers, TV, alarm system, bedding, bath towels, art

Registry Items in the Kitchen:

tea and coffee kettle, cast iron-skillet, stainless steel pot, small stainless steel pan, large stainless steel pan, sauce pan, dutch oven, water filter, blender, citrus juicer, toaster oven, juicer, stand mixer, raclette maker, ice cream maker, French press, marble cheese board, cake stand, deviled egg tray, apple corer/slicer/peeler, baker’s scale, wood serving board, glass decanters

Registry Items that Aren’t Items:

donations, cash, experiences/activities, gift cards

Of course, you could register for other utilitarian things that fit your hobbies like a tandem bike or two-seater kayak, but I have neither so I can’t weigh in. You could also ask for a subscription to your CSA, or a contribution to your honeymoon or major upcoming purchase. I also recommend NOT asking for decor items because folks can drift off the registry. You don’t want someone to interpret a request for a tasteful classic clock into thinking you want this.

Looking for more ideas?

Also, I’ve thought about sharing our wedding story where I cover the venue, the DIYs, the handshake engagement, the photos, and how a shy introvert managed the whole affair. Would that interest you? y/n