Weekly Roundup

This DIY banquette (and the reveal of the whole nook) has me scanning my house to see where I can build a banquette just like it.

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. Ideally that day would be December 31st of every year, or even better into the next year. But guess when that day was? It was last week. A mere 7 months into the year. There’s a calculator online to generate your personal Earth Overshoot Day based on your lifestyle. Take the quiz to see what it would be like if everyone lived like you.

How not to say the wrong thing.

Bring back all the retro typography, please!

I haven’t been buying much of anything this year at all, but I have been browsing eBay quite a bit lately. I’m on the hunt for kitchen appliances/accessories mostly, but also got a new camera lens for 40% off the cost new. I also got a secondhand camera for filming video for $250 off retail. I love a good deal and I love buying second hand. Plus a high-stakes bidding war is thrilling.

Look at these wall tiles that double as a rail to hook things on. Genius.

I’ve been wearing my home improvement overalls for the past week working on a project. I haven’t been teasing it or showing it off on Instagram Stories because 1. I’m Lucille Bluth and I get off on being withholding and 2. I’m recording the process to make a YouTube video. Are you subscribed??

Could you BE any more excited for Phoebe’s apothecary table? But we all know I’m a Monica.

I was watching a favorite show and this kitchen appeared as one of the sets. It’s hard to believe that the should could get any better, but it did get a touch better.

Americana Meets the Apocalypse.

A favorite online art retailer (who sells limited-edition museum-quality prints) asked me to pick a few favorite pieces, then interviewed me, too. Take a look! Then, click here for all of my favorite online art shops plus my personal art collection.

Happy Friday!