Weekly Roundup

The Gold Hive Vaccine First Dose Pregnant

I got my first dose of the vaccine this week and I’ve never been more thrilled. I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever cried tears of joy. Read my caption for more about my enthusiasm and vaccine facts resources. I had some soreness at the injection site, but now 2 days later, it’s gone and I feel 100% like me. Well, me but safer and me plus with a baby gaining her own immunity!

I hand-painted my own “science!” shirt to get my vax, but here’s one you can buy. Maybe I need to get this one, now.

“If you think good design is expensive…”

Artist Heather Hancock has a cool subscription series where she mails you three of her fine art prints along with a handy stand to swap them out throughout the season! Check out the prints she sent me here, and then click here to enter to win one of her seasonal subscriptions!

Did you see Erin’s bathroom makeover? Holy Moly it’s beautiful!

This step by step of how to paint a bow is great.

How cool are these insect wall decor pieces?

A helpful visual on how we can now gather, according to the CDC. I’ll say that I’m feeling still too cautious to do any of this, so don’t feel like you’re the only one if you, too, are still planning to stay hunkered down at home for several more months.

A few Facebook Marketplace tips and tricks that I can attest to are effective!

How much can we do as individuals to save our planet from climate catastrophe when what we really need is a massive systemic change at a higher level? This podcast episode breaks down both perspectives.

My favorite bra is back in stock!

Who knew I could relate to John Mayer so much?