Weekly Roundup

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Have you been following along with Natasha’s makeovers? She’s been fixing up the guest room, kitchen, and pantry at her carriage house in Albany, plus she’s working on the nursery at her charming home. I’m proud to call this gal a good friend and I’m always impressed with every.single.thing. she does.

Why do NPR hosts have such great names?

Did you see my new custom plate rack? I adore it and love that so many of you love it too. I got a few questions on sources seen in that post, so here ya go! Organic-shaped salad plates, vintage footed wooden bowl, dishwasher drawer. Other kitchen resources are being added here as I continue to unveil the renovation.

Do you love a speed square? I sure do.

James’ photoshop trolling always gives me a chuckle. Here’s a favorite.

We all love the show The Repair Shop, but did you know they also have a book on how to mend everything?

The chore jacket I’ve been eyeing for months and months is 60% off!

I’ve been volunteering with a local organization to help folks get vaccination appointments. It’s so so challenging to get appointments when they fill up so fast, when websites are cumbersome, or when people don’t have the time/know-how to navigate the system. If you are tech-savvy and want to help out, I encourage you to find a local organization to support - or, just post on your neighborhood Facebook group asking if anyone needs help. All it really takes is you spending a bunch of time clicking around the web and refreshing pharmacy booking sites. If you’re in San Diego and need help, fill out a form here and someone (maybe me!) will book your appointment.

I’ve been enjoying this new podcast.

Here’s my March playlist, happy listening: