Weekly Roundup

Another week, another Weekly Roundup!

My friend Brittany (who you know as @vintagerugshop and @brittanymakes) opened a brick and mortar storefront last week and I’m so proud of her - and it’s absolutely gorgeous. I can’t wait to visit Oakland soon so I can check out the new shop she’s been laboring over the past few months. My friend who lives outside of Oakland just had a human baby, and it will be a tough call to decide whose baby to visit first. I’m that excited to see this shop.

We’ve been watching The Letdown this past week and really loved it. We finished season 2 yesterday and we already miss the characters. I highly recommend it. If you’re looking for a similar theme, check out Workin’ Moms - which returns for season 3 next week and I’m giddy with anticipation.

A Guide to Eco-Friendly Car Washing.

I’m getting ready to demolish my current kitchen, so if you’re curious about any of the DIY projects or things in that space, speak up now! I gave my quick-fix improvements a report card the other day - didja catch it?

The History of the American Lawn: How the Dream Was Manufactured. Climate change, pesticides, water, and more.

Tap through to the list of 10 items to check your environmental privilege.

I have a summertime PSA for you that I wish I learned about sooner. Two of friends (who coincidentally both are bloggers that you’re probably following) have experienced citrus burns. Are you familiar with this?! I had no idea and now I’m being extra careful with my outdoor margarita drinking.

I forgot to share last month’s playlist. Sorry! Here it is:

Happy Friday!