Weekly Roundup

I’ve spent the past week in Chicago - one of my favorite cities ever! Ross and I have had the privilege of visiting in early June every year for the past few years. But we got a bonus visit this year by going twice! DREAMS! I got a bunch of requests to share a Chicago travel guide, but it just seems wildly unfair because basically all of my favorite spots were recommended by my friend Kim of Yellow Brick Home. But, you can see the spots I stopped in to dine and the things we did in my Chicago highlight on Instagram.

Oak Park House The Gold Hive-8916.jpg

I stared at this house for a good five minutes when I toured Oak Park (a neighborhood in Chicago) with Nicole of Making it Lovely. Can ya blame me?

Whenever I leave town I do these 25 things before heading out the door. Also, check out my tips for traveling sustainably.

But, travel is super taxing on the environment. Check out this article, If Seeing the World Helps Ruin It, Should We Stay Home?

Check out Whitney’s incredible living room before and after. Like, woah!

Polly, one of my favorite zero waste activists is sharing an actionable way for us to flight climate change daily on her Instagram. She’s giving us food for thought and helpful nudges every day from September 1-20. Act!

Workin’ Moms is back for a third season and I’m loving it. I’m trying to pace myself and not binge it, so I have a few more episodes to go. How long can I stretch out this season so I don’t miss it for too long?

I’m really looking forward to this movie. I can feel the tears coming on already. On my bucket list is to watch all of the A24 films.

Someone messaged me asking if I could do a throwback to what the house looked like before remodeling. If you too want to see the smelly mess, check out the before tour here. If you want to see before and after side-by-sides and a video tour, click here!

In books: My friend recommended All About Love when we were talking about friendships, connections, and family. Has anyone else read it? I ordered The New Carbon Architecture: Building to Cool the Climate from my local bookstore that I look forward to picking up when I get back into town. I packed Cradle to Cradle : Remaking the Way We Make Things to read on this trip (and I’ve linked it to on eBay since it’s only fitting that this book should be purchased used). Hopefully these don’t collect dust like so many of my other books have!

I wrapped up my monthly Spotify playlist for August - check it out below!