Weekly Roundup

This kitchen floored me. I started at this shot and the other angles for a good 35 minutes. It’s neutral yet colorful, asymmetrical yet balanced, new yet old, refined but warm. It’s everything.

Speaking of that kitchen, is yellow making a comeback?

Personality tests are all the rage right now, so if you’re into those, how about a calculator to measure your carbon footprint? It takes less time than the personality tests and hopefully provides a more tangible takeaways to help you think more mindfully of your affect on the earth.

As for my Enneagram score? I’m a 1.

This week I finally invested in AirPods (after months of resistance) which allows me to listen to my podcasts and music without being attached to wires nor my phone and it’s amazing. (warning, I’m going to describe a very first world problem) I used to play music on my Sonos throughout the house so wherever I went, I’d have tunes following me. But sometimes I’d tire of the songs and want to listen to a podcast yet I’d miss words when I would turn the facet on or wander too far from the speaker. So, I’d put my headphones in and then carry my phone in my hand or put it in a pocket, or rest it on something then ultimately yank it off the counter when I forgot I was tethered to it. Enter these. Now I have wireless listening and can leave my phone by the front door and walk to the backyard while enjoying my podcast. I like to be aware of my surroundings when puttering around at home, so I only put one in at a time and it’s fantastic.

All this to say that I have a several podcasts to recommend this week such as: The story of a gal with a remote control brain - seriously. The story of escaping a cult that you’re hearing about in the news right now. The history and future of water conservation and environmental law.

I’ve talked before about how I think that Get Out is one of the best films of this century (watch the director’s commentary if you feel like you’re missing something) so we were very excited to see Us. We loved it and we’re still digesting but I think I’m ready to watch it again. I still rank Get Out above Us, but it’s still so good and worth researching afterwards to pick up on all the references.

Looking for a Mother’s Day gift? (Mom and mom-in-law stop reading now!) Consider getting this custom drawing of each of your birth flowers by an Oregon-based artist.

Plastic bottles are the most prevalent form of plastic pollution in European waterways. All our plastic is really really bad but did you know that our reusable tote bags aren’t great either - maybe even 20,000 times worse? Here’s how different bags stack up. Reusing what you already have is always the most sustainable choice, so consider making a reusable bag from an old tee or sheet. Here are a few easy tutorials for different bag shapes: bento bag, grocery bag, and produce bag. If you already bought totes, use them like crazy or gift your extras so other folks don’t purchase new.

I’m ready for colorful vintage bathrooms to make a comeback.

Happy Friday