Weekly Roundup

The spring 2019 One Room Challenge makeovers were revealed this week. I wasn’t following along on many except this one and it Casey didn’t not disappoint with her bathroom makeover. I pinned EVERY image of the space she renovated herself! If I could copy and paste that bathroom into my house I’d be a happy camper!

I binge watched the show, Flowers, while on the plane home from New York and I looooved it. It’s quirky, dark, funny, somber, and just all around beautifully casted, acted, and even perfectly color graded. I adored it.

Is shopping online more eco-friendly than shopping locally?

I joke that I have a magnet inside of me because despite how tech-savy I can be, I experience a bunch of electronic glitches that drive me bonkers. This podcast episode is only semi-related to that, but it’s an interesting look at our tech and the world around us. Also, I got goose-bumps near the end (911 calls do that to me).

Antiques seller Little Dog Vintage puts together charming vignettes in pretty color combos on her Instagram to show off her shop pieces. I got so excited when I saw this adorable lobster claw tray (it reminds me of this) but since it sold out I’m on the hunt for another. I found similar ones here and here. Also, if you haven’t watched the movie, The Lobster, you have to!

With Mother’s Day coming up, I like to support National Bail Out who works to bail out mommas and caregivers all year long who are behind bars because they can’t afford their bail (#endcashbail). Consider donating to help give someone a Mother’s Day with their family. You can also give to Families Belong Together who is working to reunite loved ones separated at the US/Mexico border.

Pals Kim and Scott bought another house and I’m BEYOND excited for them and to see what they do with the adorable old two-flat.

Humans Are Speeding Extinction and Altering the Natural World at an ‘Unprecedented’ Pace’

A blog follower sent me a photo of her office and I had to do a double take because it looked like mine! She followed my IKEA office storage hacks and also has white oak flooring, french doors, grey walls, and a pink rug. I’m so flattered whenever you folks are inspired by my DIYs and do them in your own home, so share them with me!

That’s it for this week, I’ll catch ya next time.