Weekly Roundup

I’m still not over color. And I’m suddenly gravitating towards all the colors I thought I didn’t like. What is 2020 doing to me?!

COVID-19 has illustrated a sad truism: We may all be in the same boat, but we all do not have the same paddles.

I’m in the video mood! Did you see my videos published this week? I took a trip to LA to get my appliances and make a brief vlog about it. Then, II talked energy efficiency and insulation here. Be sure to watch that video if you want a sneak peek of my new kitchen!

I’m anxious for the weather to cool down so I can put my new flannel sheets on! Our only pair of winter sheets basically unraveled last season, so I’m going to upcycle them into cleaning rags. I also snagged a pair of these bath towels. Did I mention that Boll & Branch uses organic textiles and pays farmers and factory workers a fair wage? Read their whole impact report here. (kindly gifted product)

Consider volunteering with Protect The Vote to help end voter suppression. Your volunteer work may include monitoring polling places (from your vehicle or with PPE), watchdogging social media for disinformation, or reaching out to voters to make sure they know their rights.

Natasha has saved over $25,000 by purchasing furnishings at auction!

How to recycle clothes.

Are you a fan of female directors and female voices in film? Girls On Tops makes tees featuring these female artists and proceeds support women filmmakers.

A friend of mine if having a baby, so that means I get to order my classic baby gift.

Another friend just bought a house, so in my typical gift giving (lacking a lot of sentiment or surprise) I told her to pick what she wants and she chose this lamp. Your wish is my command, my friend!

What I’ll look like as a ghost.

The Trump Administration is reversing nearly 100 environmental rules. Here’s the full list.

My fig tree is done producing fruit but it isn’t too late to enjoy its goodness. I snagged a few leaves from the tree, boiled them in a 50/50 sugar mixture, and now I have fig leaf syrup! It’s so so good. It’s an earthy fruity sweetness kind of like honey. I put it on sourdough english muffins and I’m going to make a fig leaf syrup cocktail this evening!

If you like retro houses and finely-crafted wallpaper, you have to watch the video tour of Louis Armstrong’s house. The wallpaper on the drawers is amazing!