Weekly Roundup

That’s it, I’m moving to Sweden.

Ten tips for designing a kitchen. I support every single one of them - and for any room, too!

I don’t do much ironing and I find getting out the full-size ironing board is a chore - thus probably contributing to my distaste for ironing. This paired with our rearranging of closets, had me reconsidering the giant clunky board, so I got this instead! It’s a tiny lightweight ironing board that even has a hook to get it off the floor and hanging in the closet. I think it will be perfect for our minimal ironing uses, and super handy if I ever take up the goal hobby of sewing little kid clothes.

Speaking of fabric, I finally got a fabric shaver (I know, I’m late to the party) and it’s great. My yoga leggings with lots of pilling have never looked better! The couch is looking so much fresher, too. I’ll be fabric shaving all the pilling from all the fabrics.

I still can’t get over the new (old!) wallpaper in the nursery!

While preparing for baby, I’ve been following lots of accounts that talk about safe sleep, safe mobility, safety at home, and safe car practice. While I follow this account for baby/kid car seat info, I had two auto incidents this week and I’m so glad I had these tips for keeping me and my nearly-9-month-pregnant belly safe.

Remember that super cute sweater set I got for baby a few weeks back? Well, it’s still on sale and the whole Hanna Anderson site is steeply discounted for the holiday weekend. Run, don’t walk to get these heirloom-style clothes at great prices.

More Meta Coleman color combo love.

My favorite lighting, hardware, and everything store is also doing a warehouse sale. Snag your favorite Rejuvenation items now! There are also sales at West Elm, Pottery Barn, and Williams Sonoma.

A favorite designer, Jamie Haller, shared tips for designing homes with dark woodwork. She’s so great at preserving historic charm and truly embracing it!

My May playlist is complete! listen below:

Ross and I started watching The West Wing from the very beginning and we’re thoroughly enjoying ourselves. I hope you have a thrilling weekend of watching 22-year-old shows.