Weekly Roundup

I need to finalize the color of my kitchen cabinets very soon and I’m paralyzed! Do I want neutral? Do I want pink? Do I want muted colors? Or dark colors like above? Oh my. I don’t know if I can ever decide! I thought I had my mind made up, but now I’m second-guessing everything.

In Instagram Stories I’m gesticulating with my hands a lot as I point to where kitchen cabinets will be and where pocket doors will go. A handful of eagle-eyed folks asked about my wedding ring - the little 1920s antique that I got for $200. Here are a few antique rings in a similar style if you’re into that eye-shaped diamond ring style: this one is $175, here’s one for $297, this one is $610.

Have you made your quarantine postcard yet?

I’m always intrigued by how homes and the way we live in and modify them are influenced by culture. This article speaks to the front yard plazas in “Latino urbanism” where “these neighborhoods are more about social cohesion. Your family and neighbors are what you’re really concerned about. Where I think in these middle-class neighborhoods, they’re more concerned about property values.” The urban planner was also interviewed on this interesting episode of 99% Invisible talking about the lack of shade in our cities.

Ross treated himself to a new pair of shorts for the hot weather season and he got these. The 7” inseam is where it’s at, people.

You’ve probably seen the news about murder hornets, right? They’re scary, but there’s something even scarier for our beloved honeybees.

I’m in love with this wallpaper. I’ve had the tab open on my computer for weeks, and I think I might have possibly potentially maybe found a use for it. maybe.

I just realized that two years ago this month I was finishing up the One Room Challenge when I made over my master bedroom. Time is really flying by. Speaking of time passing, did you see we hit the 5 year anniversary of owning and fixing up our home??

Welp, those kitchen cabinet colors aren’t going to pick themselves. I’m off!