Weekly Roundup

Happy Wedtuesfriday! The days are all a blur, but the calendar says its Friday, so I’m here with a Weekly Roundup. I took a break from blog posts the past couple of weeks - sorry. I just have a hard time deciding what to share right now when life feels so upside down. But let’s try it.


A photographer neighbor down the block (that we’re ashamed to say we never met!) strolled by and took the boxes I left by the curb for her daughters to play with, and then she asked if she could take our picture. She’s taking photos for the Front Steps Project, a nation-wide project where photographers capture folks at home on their steps during these strange times, and the recipients make a donation to a local food bank or organization supporting COVID-19 efforts. We participated and got some sweet photos of us in front of the home we love so much! Check out Kate and the other photos she’s been taking of our little community. Uhm also, our garden is out of control!

This art print stopped me mid-scroll. I don’t normally even gravitate towards the color orange, but I’m smitten.

I’ve been cutting Ross’ hair lately and I must say it looks pretty sharp. I use haircutting scissors and his beard trimmer that comes with multiple attachments. He’s looking fresh but I’m still dealing with this giant mop of hair - I can’t wait to cut off a foot of it!

These dogs doing normal dog things while narrated by a sportscaster without sports to comment on are among my favorite things to come out of the shelter-in-place orders. You can check out the rest of his channel for more cute canine videos.

This is definitely something I do all the time and rope Ross into doing, but the more we stay home the more I participate in these oddities.

I’m eyeing these pants which look like normal human pants but have elastic which works well for my current clothing needs (read: I should stop wearing PJs all day). Also, I dig that amber color.

The construction crew that just finished working on the kitchen renovation often tried to one-up each other on how much better they are at installing something than the other guy. They like to get into friendly bragging arguments and it reminds me of this scene with Jane Lynch who is funny no matter what she does.

This brief podcast on how infectious disease shaped American bathroom design is a goodie. I’m always fascinated with how events or socio-political climates affect products, design, and our general way of life. I’ve been thinking a lot about how our homes may forever shift as we modify into a new way of living for the foreseeable future. Will we no longer use those long dining tables for large gatherings? Will we convert our guest rooms into home offices? Or will we be using guest rooms more because we won’t be using hotels? Will we install sinks at our front doors? It’s really interesting to consider the long-term changes we might be making to our homes.

Four tips to transcend design trends.

Since we aren’t able to make our annual trip to Chicago, I ordered this sweatshirt with a classic, simple, kinda retro nod to one of our favorite cities. You can get other cities from this small shop!

Here’s my April playlist!
